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Faire parler la matière comment ..? Pourquoi ..? Le blog de Yvon Gervaise Ingénieur et expert -Chimiste ,Directeur d un laboratoire pluridisciplinaire de contrôle et d expertise

LAB Tour : the How and Why of the Science at SGS ?

Publié le 3 Février 2018 par Yvon Gervaise in SGSFrance, LaboratoireRouen, expertscience, laboratoire, SGS


@SGSFrance - Laboratoire #Rouen 😀the delegation of the direction of @SGS_SA corporate communication upon his lab tour

attentive to explanations of the how ?and why ? of #SCIENCE at SGS

Many thanks to our colleagues for their interest & the quality of our exchanges #Expertscience

LAB Tour  : the How and Why of the Science at SGS ?
LAB Tour  : the How and Why of the Science at SGS ?
LAB Tour  : the How and Why of the Science at SGS ?
LAB Tour  : the How and Why of the Science at SGS ?
LAB Tour  : the How and Why of the Science at SGS ?
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